
Our Products

We can help you with a variety of insurance and financial products covered by many of the top rated insurance companies.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance. These pay all or part of deductibles and copays that Original Medicare doesn’t cover.

Medicare Advantage. This is private insurance that contract with Medicare to provide you with the benefits you would get under Part A and Part B and sometimes Part D of Medicare. These are often HMO or PPO plans.

Long Term Care Insurance. Many people experience extended care needs in either in a facility or under supervised care at home. This insurance helps to cover the high cost of this care by paying either per day or per month for the expenses.

Life Insurance and Final Expense Insurance. Dying isn’t free and it can be expensive for your loved ones. These plans protect your family from having to feel the financial pain along with the pain of losing you.

Cancer, Heart Attack and Stroke Plans. These pay you money to help with your expenses that often go beyond the medical cost of having a major health issue.

Close-up of female with open mouth during oral checkup at the dentist's Note to inspector: the image is pre-Sept 1 2009
Dental health is linked to physical health. Don’t ignore this valuable aspect of your health.

Dental, Vision and Hearing. Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans may only have limited benefits for these vital aspects of your health. We have offerings that will help take the sting out of going to the dentist, wearing glasses, and protecting your hearing.

Disclaimer: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.